Transformational Third Space Dialogue

"Transformational Third Space Dialogue" (TTSD) is an emerging methodology designed to support dialogue outside the normal confines of everyday dynamics. By taking individuals and groups outside of their environments and into a “third space,” participants have the opportunity to explore beyond their usual realities. Creativity is key in finding positive ways to interact together, reflect on emotions and feelings, and exchange different viewpoints or experiences. The goal of TTSD is always to provide a safe space where people can come together, share their perspectives, and engage in meaningful conversations that promote understanding and growth. We are able to offer TTSD as a holistic intervention to individuals, groups, and multiple groups that may be struggling to find common ground. We can also offer integrating TTSD into existing projects or initiatives that require deeper teambuilding or social-psychological support to participants that may be engaging in difficult issues or involving complex group dynamics.

Here's how we may be able to support: 

Bridge-building: In situations where there is conflict or tension between two groups, TTSD can be used to create a safe and neutral space where individuals from each group can engage in dialogue. By promoting understanding and empathy, this can help build bridges between the groups and promote peace. We believe that joint projects are incredible tools to bring different groups together to work on shared goals. Discuss with us how to conceive a project that everyone can get involved with and develop positive relations through the process.

Mediation: TTSD can also be leveraged as a form of mediation. Working together with mediators, we can offer logistic and planning support to design an optimal “third space” away from the everyday lives where issues may persist. We also offer to accompany the process ensuring that activities, breaks, and accommodations are strategically arranged to not only foster dialogue between multiple parties in conflict, but also to promote relationship-building and personal friendships throughout the mediation process. 

Creative conflict transformation: TTSD believes strongly that conflict is part of life but does not have to be a negative thing. We offer support to bring creativity to not only fix conflict, but to transform it into something positive and beautiful. Leveraging our expertise, we tap into the potential of therapeutic arts to bring people together in a safe and creative space to explore conflict dynamics, feelings, and most importantly, work more deeply toward planning a positive future. We are able to source art therapists or psychotherapists who use art-based or creative methods to accompany the process of conflict transformation that supports ongoing dialogue, especially on sensitive issues that provoke conflict.

Peacebuilding for peacebuilders: TTSD views peacebuilding as an everyday individual process and a complex ongoing process among people and groups throughout their lives. We offer support specifically to groups and individuals working in peacebuilding around the world in difficult and stressful contexts. One of the most common issues that peacebuilders face is empathy fatigue, when they experience so much trauma and pain from others that may retrigger their own wounds and leave them sometimes feeling numb or helpless to support them. We offer one-on-one and group support to those working in the field that need the time and space to look inward. We incorporate reflective peacebuilding practice and can engage psychological or counselling support when needed. We also incorporate our “third space” approach to get people out of their daily contexts and to reflect on their work from the outside, to better gain perspective and consider the meaning of what they do.


Contact us to discuss how we might collaborate to customize the optimal environment with TTSD in supporting your work, bringing different groups together, or navigating complex dynamics.